"Presenting tchoukball" video
Réf: 05-004-05
This is the perfect way to introduce tchoukball to beginners. Understand the basics of this sport with three videos:
1. “Tchoukball, a sport for all” describing rules, educational principles, history and usual game phases.
2. A feature – in English – on the Tchoukball World Championship that took place in Switzerland in 2000.
3. 10 minutes showing the World Championship final in Switzerland, 2000.
This introduction to tchoukball is available in French, German, English and Italian; total time: 45 min.
T: +41 (0) 22 368 00 41
F: +41 (0) 22 368 00 28
@: info@tchouk.com
Tchoukball Promotion
3, avenue Edmond Vaucher
1219 Châtelaine, Suisse
Tchoukball Promotion Europe
606, chemin des Hautins
01280 Prévessin Moens, France